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Woman making calculations, pencil in between her fingers in one hand, other hand holding the calculator - calculator is in the middle in foreground, woman's torso and lower body in background Thumbnail

Are There Systems to Beat the Lottery?

  • Published 23/03/2018
  • by William Monroe

Is there anything out there that can give you a competitive edge?

Landscape shot of old, thick books in a wooden bookshelf Thumbnail

Literary Lottery: Five Books That Deal with Lottery Games

  • Published 20/03/2018
  • by Shaun Greer

Check out these five must-read lottery-related books today.

Group of people wearing Volunteer t-shirts, standing outside next to a table with donation boxes on it Thumbnail

Lottery Philanthropy and the Generosity of Jackpot Winners

  • Published 16/03/2018
  • by William Monroe

How kind (or unkind) can big jackpot winners be?

Hand holding and showing the ace of spades card Thumbnail

Chase the Ace: How Did It Get so Popular?

  • Published 13/03/2018
  • by Shaun Greer

Chase the Ace or Powerball? There are quite a few similarities.

Woman checking her mobile phone with a frustrated look on her face Thumbnail

How and Why Do Lottery Errors Occur?

  • Published 09/03/2018
  • by William Monroe

Lottery draws aren't perfect.

Woman in profile sitting in a chair at a desk, but the image is blurry obscuring her identity Thumbnail

Jane Doe Fighting to Remain Anonymous After Big Powerball Win

  • Published 06/03/2018
  • by Shaun Greer

Should lottery winners have the right to remain anonymous? Jane Doe thinks so.

Three women - presumably related - of different age groups smiling at the camera Thumbnail

How Old Is Too Old to Win the Lottery?

  • Published 02/03/2018
  • by William Monroe

Is there a perfect age to win a jackpot?

Three glass jars in a row with various amounts of coins in. One jar is labelled "Travel", another is labelled "Education", the third is labelled "Savings" Thumbnail

How to Avoid Blowing Your Winnings Within a Few Years

  • Published 27/02/2018
  • by Shaun Greer

With sound decisions, you can ensure your winnings don't vanish within a few years.

Page of a book featuring a list of random five-digit numbers Thumbnail

North American Lottery Statistics

  • Published 23/02/2018
  • by William Monroe

Lotteries provide a wealth of data to those on the hunt for in-depth statistical analysis.

Dictionary laying open on a table, blurred text, accompanied by a coffee in a glass cup Thumbnail

Terms to Know Before You Play: Lottery Lingo Explained

  • Published 20/02/2018
  • by Shaun Greer

From syndicates to hot and cold numbers, here's the lottery lingo you need to know.

Large stone-and-brick mansion facing the camera, with a new silver car parked to the right Thumbnail

Non-Cash Lotteries Explained

  • Published 16/02/2018
  • by William Monroe

If not cash prizes, then what?

Male cashier at convenience store serving a female customer, customer paying with debit card Thumbnail

How Much Do Retailers Get for Selling a Winning Ticket?

  • Published 13/02/2018
  • by Shaun Greer

Retailers can make a serious a profit for selling winning Powerball tickets.

Rows of countries' flags outside Thumbnail

Strange Lotteries Around the World

  • Published 09/02/2018
  • by William Monroe

Quirky international lottery games that benefit society and the people in it.

Multiple cameras and photographers aiming at the right from the left Thumbnail

Why Aren't Jackpot Winners Announced Immediately?

  • Published 06/02/2018
  • by Shaun Greer

A new lottery winner has a lot to get done.

Concept: digital lock on a screen, light blue, with zeroes and ones behind it like binary Thumbnail

How Honest Are Lottery Draws?

  • Published 02/02/2018
  • by William Monroe

See how much preparation goes into making sure a lottery draw is completely honest.

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