One of the most prevalent things about lotteries is that there are many “winning systems” and books out there that tell you how you can use a system to win any lottery. Yes, apparently it’s true! You can win the lottery! Guaranteed! Use our system and you will become rich, Rich, RICH!
Unfortunately, the proliferation of these books and systems rely more on mathematical theories of probability and less on random outcomes and luck.
As such, these systems fail to provide the promised lucrative results.
Some systems represent ways in which placing numbers in a box or wheel-like orientation will result in certain combinations that are more probable to be hit than others, or reflecting adjacent numbers that should come up more often.
A “frequent number” software analyzer takes the amount of times each number has been drawn over a specific time period and “calculates” the best numbers to play that should be pulled for the next draw.
Other software programs implement systems that “predict” the numbers you should select for the next draw. Even other systems use mathematical manipulation to try to prove how the system works and how to win by using it.
These systems, and the books, DVD’s, and software created for them, are designed by players or math “wizards” who have no insider lottery industry experience and are working off of each other, and other systems, books, and media written by the same type of player that came before them.
The reality is, just like books and systems for slot machines, these creators don’t understand the enormous amount of effort put in to design slot machines and lottery equipment that can’t be manipulated and guarantee a totally random result for every spin or every draw.
Just as you wouldn’t use the information to fix your car by a person who has only driven cars but never opened the hood or changed the oil, you shouldn’t trust the information provided by someone who has only played the lottery.
These writers and creators don’t make their money off of their lottery systems. They make their money off the sales of these systems and media.
Think about it. If these systems really did guarantee jackpot wins, then what would be the probability that a user of such a system, a now very rich user, would ever divulge his or her system? Very slim to none.
If their “secret” system (very secret, shhh, but available for you for only $19.99) actually did work, why would you divulge it at all? Humans are greedy and something like this is not shared, considering that keeping it a total secret from everyone is the secret to making money.
The more people who know the “system” the easier it is for lottery operators and regulators to find out and start investigating.
In addition, if these systems truly worked, then every lottery on the planet would be losing money simply from the sheer number of people using the system.
But lotteries are not losing money and are doing extremely well all over the planet. If systems truly worked, the creators would be using the systems to quickly win the big jackpots and then retire, not write books and sell systems that disclose their secret.
If you use a system and it works for you, then you have the luck of a very prosperous person. However, relying on a system is not going to increase your odds.
Lotteries are designed so that every single number for every single draw has an equal chance of being drawn. Only randomness and luck are your side, not systems.
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