How Old Is Too Old to Win the Lottery?

Is there a perfect age to win a jackpot?
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  • Author:
    William Monroe
  • Published:

For most, winning the lottery is an event that lets them realize their dreams and passions.

Many people instantly retire, finally being able to get rid of the grind of getting up, going to work, coming home, having supper, and going to bed - only having to repeat the process over again the next day.

Others are ecstatic that they can now live in a house, or a bigger house, have a new car, or help out family members. There are some who can now realistically plan for their dream vacation, yacht, or fully indulge in their hobby.

However, most of these people are in their twenties to fifties. They have their lives in front of them to enjoy the money and do what they want for a long time. But, if you are an older person, in your sixties or seventies - or maybe even in your late nineties - is winning the lottery really worthwhile?

Personal Opinions

One side says the older you are the less you need to win the lottery. You're not going live long anyway, so winning millions or tens of millions of dollars is money you are not going to get to enjoy. So why buy a ticket in the first place?

The other side says that it does not matter how old you are when you win or the amount of time you have left, you will increase your status of living and will go out being comfortable and well off, happy, not poor and miserable.

It's All Circumstantial

But really, no matter how old you are - whether you are going to live another 20 weeks or another 20 years - your life can become much easier and more joyful with more cash, regardless of your current financial situation.

If you are in relatively good health, winning the lottery lets you do all things you want to do before you die.

If you are bedridden, it is more difficult to enjoy your windfall, but that money can be used to make yourself more comfortable or indulge in some bucket-list items.

Most older winners of lotteries have said in interviews that they had wished the big jackpot had come their way 20 to 40 years ago, when they could have really enjoyed the money. Now, being older, they are not able to do or enjoy the things they were capable of when they were younger.

But winning the lottery at an older age can have some positive benefits. You will not have the propensity to go out and "blow" your winnings. You probably won't buy a new house and luxury car, you won't be taking all your friends out on a weekend of bar-hopping, and you certainly won't be carelessly buying all kinds things that you will never use.

Being older means you have the life experience and know-how to understand what you need in life, what you want in life; what will make you happy.

Different Wants, Different Needs

For instance, younger winners will most likely buy a new luxury or sports vehicle - or two or three - spending over $50,000 on one single motor vehicle alone. An older winner will buy a new-but-inexpensive car, upgrade their current vehicle with repairs and additions, or buy a modern pre-owned one.

Younger winners want mansions. Older winners will stay in the house they currently own or rent, move to a senior's living center that they can now afford, or may possibly buy a small condo.

Younger winners may be selfish and seldom help out immediate or extended family members. Older winners know how much money they will need to comfortably live out the remainder of their lives, so they can make plans that will help out their family, ensuring that the remaining money will be shared equally and appropriately for the family members to benefit from immediately.

Older winners seem to have an attitude that, even though the money would have better received when they were younger and need it at that time, they appreciate that winning it now is still a blessing. It's going to help them finish their lives free from poverty or lingering financial issues that may have plagued them for most of their lives, or improve their current life and the lives of their loved ones.

So, really, you are never too old to win the lottery. If you are in good health, you now have the money to travel, buy things, and live a life of complete freedom and pleasure.

When your final days come around, you can use your wealth to purchase products and services to make your transition to the other side more peaceful, painless and guilt-free, while taking comfort in knowing your loved ones will also be able to live comfortably from now on because of your kindness. And that's all any one of us would like in the end.